Week 7: Human Resources​​

Session 3 - HRH Challenges

  1. Spark Questions
  2. Learning Outcome
  3. Session summary and reflection
  4. References

Spark Questions

What Factors Motivate a person to do their work well

  • Having a support system that checks their wellbeing
  • Having responsibilities, ie a child to take care or
  • Having insentives 
  • Good Pay
  • Compliments  (Being ‘hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise’ – Dale Carnegie, 1936)

Learning Outcome - HRH Challenges

  • Define and describe four important dimensions in understanding workforce performance: availability, competence, responsiveness, and productivity.
      • Availability: Ensures healthcare workers are adequately distributed, present, and sufficient in numbers to meet the demand 
      • Competence: Involves the technical knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required for effective care.
      •  Responsiveness: Treating all individuals fairly and respectfully, regardless of background or health outcome.
      •  Productivity: Maximizing effective healthcare services and outcomes with existing staff, reducing resource waste.
  • Describe some of the challenges facing the Human Resources for Health in South Africa. 
      •  Availability Challenges: Shortages in certain disciplines, and healthcare workers are not always present where needed.
      •  Competence Challenges: Skills mismatch between workers’ qualifications and community needs.
      •  Responsiveness Challenges: Low morale, lack of supervision, unsafe working conditions, and high attrition.
      •  Productivity Challenges: Inefficiencies, lack of supervision, and weak management.
  • Discuss various solutions to addressing the challenges facing Human Resources for Health in South Africa.
      • Availability Solutions: Train more mid-level workers (e.g., Clinical Associates), implement team-based care with Community Health Workers, promote task-sharing, and provide rural health training opportunities.
      • Competence Solutions: Address skills gaps by reorienting medical education and research, training in primary care, and enhancing supervision.
      • Responsiveness Solutions: Improve work environments (e.g., through initiatives like the Ideal Clinic), and increase compensation (e.g., Rural Health Allowance).
      • Productivity Solutions: Implement quality assurance (e.g., Office of Health Standards Compliance) and enhance protocols with a performance management framework.

Session summary and reflection

Dimensions of Workforce Performance and Key Challenges in South Africa:

  •  Availability: Ensures healthcare workers are adequately distributed, present, and sufficient in numbers to meet the demand.
    • Challenges: Shortages in certain disciplines, and healthcare workers are not always present where needed.
    • Solutions: Train more mid-level workers (e.g., Clinical Associates), implement team-based care with Community Health Workers, promote task-sharing, and provide rural health training opportunities.
  •  Competence: Involves the technical knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required for effective care.
    • Challenges: Skills mismatch between workers’ qualifications and community needs.
    • Solutions: Address skills gaps by reorienting medical education and research, training in primary care, and enhancing supervision.
  •  Responsiveness: Treating all individuals fairly and respectfully, regardless of background or health outcome.
    • Challenges: Low morale, lack of supervision, unsafe working conditions, and high attrition.
    • Solutions: Improve work environments (e.g., through initiatives like the Ideal Clinic), and increase compensation (e.g., Rural Health Allowance).
  •  Productivity: Maximizing effective healthcare services and outcomes with existing staff, reducing resource waste.
    • Challenges: Inefficiencies, lack of supervision, and weak management.
    • Solutions: Implement quality assurance (e.g., Office of Health Standards Compliance) and enhance protocols with a performance management framework.


  • Dale Carnegie,  How To Win Friends and Influence People, 1936